Month: June 2019

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iVis Technologies participated at XVIII S.I.C.S.S.O. Congress 2019, hosting live surgery & advanced educational sessions

iVis Technologies participated at XVIII S.I.C.S.S.O. Congress 2019, hosting live surgery & advanced educational sessions

This year’s S.I.C.S.S.O took place in Torino from 27th to 29th of June and it was a great success for both iVis Technologies and the greater ophthalmological community. As we continue to innovate and fine-tune our mission to better serve the interests of cornea-refractive surgeons through high-quality education, iVis was eager to present excellent scientific...


iVis Technologies ha partecipato al XVIII Congresso S.I.C.S.S.O., ospitando una chirurgia live & sessioni di formazione avanzata

Il Congresso S.I.C.S.S.O di quest’anno si è svolto a Torino dal 27 al 29 giugno ed è stato un grande successo sia per iVis Technologies che per l’estesa comunità oftalmologica. Poiché continuiamo ad innovare e ad affinare la nostra missione per meglio soddisfare le esigenze e gli interessi dei chirurghi refrattivi della cornea attraverso una...

29 June 201921 September 2021by
iVis Technologies was represented in the eye-catching Italian Trade Agency Pavilion in collaboration with Extraordinary Italian Tech.

iVis Technologies was represented in the eye-catching Italian Trade Agency Pavilion in collaboration with Extraordinary Italian Tech.

The BIO 2019 International Convention in Philadelphia, PA, USA, took place from the 3rd until the 6th of June 2019 as it continues to be the largest biotechnology conference in the world, and this year’s event had a significant international presence. BIO provides an environment where innovative thrives. Once we arrived in Philadelphia, we joined...


La iVis Technologies era presente nel suggestivo Padiglione organizzato dall’Italian Trade Agency in collaborazione con l’Extraordinary Italian Tech.

Quest’anno il Congresso Internazionale BIO si è tenuto a Philadelphia dal 3 al 6 giugno. L’evento ha accolto 17.000 professionisti del settore, provenienti da 70 diverse nazioni, confermandosi la più grande manifestazione biotecnologica al mondo. Grazie alla piattaforma One-on-One Partnering System™, durante l’impegnativa settimana ricca di eventi e sessioni formative, è stato possibile per la...

6 June 201921 September 2021by